David Green
Andy come in and have your tea | 2023 | dip pen and ink, watercolour and coloured pencils on paper | 100 x 70cm
Sunshine Coast National Art Prize 2024 - Finalist

[Image courtesy of the artist. Photo by Christine Hall]
Artist Statement
One of the quaint rituals of my childhood was mothers calling for their children to come home as it got dark. A chorus of voices would echo around the neighbourhood so that none of us could ever say “I didn’t hear you mum.”
In a dank and muddy woodland a young boy wrapped in a serge overcoat, Wellington boots and muffler concentrates on arranging sticks and stones in great circles and cairns when through the dusk came the call “Andy come in and have your tea.”
If you know where to look this piece still exists in the Cheshire wood, now covered in moss and lichen but the soldiers that Andy Goldsworthy was playing with in the fort he built are long gone.
This is my pretend world of cameos founded not on historical accuracy but reliant on grossly inaccurate interpretation of works that could have been.