David Fenoglio
Mercury Still Life | 2023 | oil on linen | 71 x 71cm
Sunshine Coast National Art Prize 2024 - Finalist

[Image courtesy of the artist]
Artist Statement
This painting is a still life painting of a sphere, a half sphere really. The sphere rests on a square. The object of a sphere and shape of the circle have been for millennia and still are strong symbolic forms. This orb, or sphere, is a painting somewhere between a solid representation observed from life and a conceptual object of contemplating consciousness. Alchemic trinity distilled in a monad; or single pointed focus; a large single point of focus; zooming into a conception of pure form. Can there be pure form? Is pure form just an idea? From what I understand, Plato seemed to think there are pure forms which are the foundation of matter or the seed of consciousness. Form and object suggest stasis, still form. Can form also vibrate? Is this form in the painting vibrating? This is a paradox of a painting. It is still, yet it moves. Brush strokes are dried and stationary yet hold a visual and physical memory of vibration. In a still life made through observation from life, there is an interaction with the vibration of light and life; light revealing form, light bringing life to form. The paradox of the still life can be that it is made through experiencing vibration however it is in a still form. These were some thoughts while making this painting.
The painting is holding memory of vibration, it is also holding concept of vibration; and concept of form.
This painting is made to be looked at and experienced. It asks for slow looking. It is made to be an invitation for meditation.