2015 Best Mixed Medium

Beatrice Prost | Symbiosis 

2015 Best Mixed Medium

Beatrice Prost

Sponsored by Mary Henzell $1000

Symbiosis | 2015 | Hand carved print on cotton paper | 115 cm x 85 cm

Artist Statement

_Symbiosis_ is sharing the intimacy of the peaceful interaction between Weyba Creek and a magnificent mangrove tree. The magic of such a place which I was blessed and privileged to witness can be felt in one of many of our beautiful Sunshine Coast waterways. Those moments where I am fully immersed with the nature around us form the core of my artistic expression. I hope you will in turn feel the dance and let yourself be guided by your emotional response and be submerged by the pure essence of those lines, colours and shapes. Technically my work cannot be categorised. It is the creation of many hours of hand carving a unique print on cotton paper. Each mark starts with a dot. Each dot forms into a line. Lines and dots might develop into patterns or not. Those scars create movement and dance on the artwork while writing a story. There is no return as the white purity of the paper is irreversibly revealed.