Kids art attack: Squish art

Squish some paint between paper and see what is created | 5 April | Caloundra Regional Gallery

Kids art attack: Squish art

Join us for a fun Slow Art day at in April! Get ready to get creative with paint as you squish it between paper to find a surprise every time. What can you see? A monster? A butterfly? You can add some collage bits to make it come alive.

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to make something special and unique. Bring your friends, bring your family, and let’s make the April Slow Art Day a memorable one!

Kids Art Attack is held on the first Saturday of every month and is a drop-in style activity suitable for kids aged 4-10. The cost is $2 per child, and all materials are supplied. Please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult.

Kids Art Attack is held on the first Saturday of every month and is a drop-in style activity suitable for kids aged 4-10. $2 per child. All materials supplied. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

LocationDate and timeCost
Caloundra Regional GallerySaturday 5 April, 11am-1pm$2 per child

View the workshop and event terms and conditions.

Event publicity: Your attendance at events supported by Sunshine Coast Council may be digitally recorded through photographs and/or video recordings. Images may be used on Council’s websites, publications, social media, or by newspapers. By attending this session, you agree to these terms. If you do not wish for your image to be published, please notify staff before or during the event.