2019 Exhibitions
Exhibitions presented during 2019

Bianca Beetson: Being Human
Exploring Aboriginal identity through the medium of self-portraiture Wednesday 29 May to Sunday 21 July
Sunshine Coast Art Prize 2019
A national contemporary acquisitive award presented by Sunshine Coast Council Wednesday 24 July to Sunday 15 September

The Kyoto Hanga International Print Exhibition:Japan and Australia
Showcasing the diversity and dynamism of printmaking in all its forms from Australia and Japan Thursday 19 September to Sunday 10 November
Elizabeth Willing: Pith
A selection of sculpture, collage, video and wall-paper celebrating the produce of the region Friday 15 November to Sunday 12 January
Ross Manning: Dissonant Rhythms
Features sculptures that re-purpose ceiling fans, fluorescent tubes, and overhead projectors Friday 8 February to Sunday 31 March
Painting Space
Exploring the ways contemporary painters engage with ideas of space Wednesday 3 April to Sunday 26 May