Entry Form
Enter the Sunshine Coast National Art Prize 2025
Prior to beginning the Sunshine Coast National Art Prize entry form ensure you have:
- Read the terms and conditions
- All contact information, artwork details and attachments ready to go before starting the form.
Documenting your work
2D artwork: The first photograph you submit is used for the first round of judging. It is important that this photograph shows your artwork at its best. If your work is chosen the photograph/s may be included in the exhibition catalogue. The gallery recommends you take a quality photo of the work you are submitting for the Sunshine Coast National Art Prize.
New media artwork: Submit a still of the work as well as a video file of the work (or excerpt of the work) being considered. These files will be used in the first round of judging. If it isn’t the full work, please clearly note this in your submission.
- Full contact information (name, email, address and phone number)
- Three jpeg image attachments (2MB maximum each)
- Nominated artwork image saved as SURNAME_First name_image number_title_year_medium_size (H x W) cm eg (SMITH_John_01_Deeper than you_2019_oil on canvas_145 x 145 cm)
- First support artwork image saved as SURNAME_First name_02 _title_year_medium_size (H x W) cm
- Second support artwork image saved as SURNAME_First name_03_title_year_medium_size (H x W) cm
- New Media entries - video files must be provided in any of the following formats: MP4 or AVI. A maximum duration of 30 minutes (incl. credits). The nominated artwork will need to note: SURNAME_First name_title of the work_year_run time (credit list). 500mb maximum upload for entry of video excerpt.
- Two word documents- an artist statement about the nominated work and an Artist CV giving current biographical and/or exhibition information (2MB maximum each)
- Entry fee of $45 (non-refundable) payable by credit card online
For further details on file type attachments and naming formats refer to the terms and conditions.